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 yellow toy puffle glitch

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yellow toy puffle glitch Vote_lcap0%yellow toy puffle glitch Vote_rcap
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yellow toy puffle glitch Vote_lcap0%yellow toy puffle glitch Vote_rcap
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Join date : 2009-04-23

yellow toy puffle glitch Empty
PostSubject: yellow toy puffle glitch   yellow toy puffle glitch EmptyThu May 28, 2009 2:21 pm

When i was staying up all night. me and my brother where playing with the puffles. i got out the yellow puffle. it turned orange

Here's how you do it
Get your yellow puffle
and set up a LITTLE light
then keep the yellow puffle away from the light
He's now a orange puffle
(please note that you have to be on a bonk bed and lower bonk and it has to be night)
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